International Essay Contest by GOI Peace Foundation-UNESCO

Assalamualaikum, good morning! ๐Ÿ˜Š Pada bulan Juni lalu, penulis sempat mengikuti International Essay Contest yang diadakan oleh Goi Peace Foundation-UNESCO. Lomba ini bertemakan: "The Power of Culture to Create a Better Future". Lomba ini dapat diikuti oleh semua warga negara, kalau diliat dari temanya sih, cukup membingungkan ya bakal buat essay yang seperti apa. Tetapi karena dengan rasa keinginan yang besar, penulis coba deh buat ikutan, iseng-iseng juga buat mengisi waktu luang. Pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan pada bulan November, seluruh peserta yg udah ngirimin essaynya berhak mendapat e-sertifikat. Ini adalah hasil essay penulis yang berjumlah sebanyak 600 kata, selamat membaca!


Culture is a social heritage, each country has its own culture, where the culture would be identity (characteristic) of a country which can be proud to other countries. Culture also believed as the root of the founding of a nation. Outstanding cultural power will be the last defense when the onslaught of civilization and foreign culture keep attacking. The future of the culture is determined by youth because if young generation does not continue or preverse their own country culture, their countries will loss an identity.

          Indonesia,  just a little country if we compared with other big countries, but do you know? Indonesia has more cultures than other countries, do not be surprised, because Indonesia is the biggest archipelago in the world, which has about 17.506 islands and on every island has their own culture. Many uniqueness from Indonesian culture to attract people of the world to learn it more deeply. ‘Uniqueness’ in here start from the vernaculars, habits, traditions, religion, arts, foods, musical instruments, traditional clothes, traditional house, sculpture and many else you can find in Indonesia.
          Indonesia has many cultures that have go international, Batik for the example, batik is both an art and a craft which made in Java, Indonesia. Batik become more popular and well known in the West as a wonderfully creative medium. The art of decorating cloth in this way, using wax and dye which will be developed with youth creative hands become a pattern, and this has been practised for centuries. In Java, Indonesia, batik is part of an ancient tradition, and some of the finest batik cloth in the world is still made there. Batik is made with different designs, start from the simple to difficult. Altought it has more than thousand designs, particular designs have traditionally been associated with traditional festivals and specific religious ceremonies. Indonesian batik has also been recognized by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). Indonesian batik has been get certificate “Best Practice” from UNESCO, it is a reward for competence and seriousness Indonesian batik community in preserving the nation's cultural Indonesian batik through education and training to students in school. But more importantly, Indonesia could gain world recognition of the existence of art and culture of Indonesia's natural wealth of national identity.
          Not only from the art, Indonesia also has a culture in speaking, Indonesian people will usually be polite, friendly, and uses language that does not hurt other people, this is because the culture of eastern Indonesia, which adheres very thick with the politeness. Because Indonesia has many local languages​​, sometimes they use their own local languages ​​that are not necessarily good response by others, they need a national language that is Indonesian language, where there will be no misunderstanding between them. Indonesian is the third hardest language in Asia, and the fifteenth in the world. Currently there are 45 states that there are teaching Indonesian languages, such as Australia, America, Canada, Vietnam, and many other countries. In Australia, Indonesian languages became the fourth popular language, there are about 500 schools teaching Indonesian languages.
          In our discussion this time, I can conclude that the culture of each country has its own advantages respectively, we should not think it as a competition, we should think it as a unity. If our culture is regarded as a competition, it will not create peace between us. If we keep this culture well together without spoiling the naturalness, in the end our country will take a step towards a better future, then we will feel a tremendous advantage over our efforts so far because have been keeping culture.

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